Galleon One RT 1KVA-10KVA
Premium featured Online UPS
With true double-conversion design, Galleon series provides powerful and overall protection to your sensitive devices. It can accept wider input voltage for harsh environment. Its perfect protection for your precious servers and workstations. For Galleon One RT with cTUVus, please check with our sales.
Main Features
  • True double-conversion
  • Microprocessor control optimizes reliability
  • Output power factor 1
  • Input power factor correction
  • Wide input voltage (110V-300V)
  • 50/60Hz Frequency converter mode
  • ECO mode for energy saving
  • Emergency power off (EPO) function
  • Built-in over voltage cut-off protection and surge immunity by MOV for full-time equipment protection
  • High power factor charger up to 1000W capacity with very low ripple current when charging battery
  • Lowe input THDi to reduce power system pollution
  • Adjustable charging current via LCD panel
  • Smart battery charger design to optimize battery performance
  • Generator compatible
  • Optional external SNMP slot
Galleon One RT 1KSingle phase with ground
Galleon One RT 1.5KSingle phase with ground
Galleon One RT 2KSingle phase with ground
Galleon One RT 3KSingle phase with ground
Galleon One 6K(L) RT1 phase in / 1 phase out
Galleon One 10K(L) RT1 phase in / 1 phase out
Galleon One RT 1K1000 VA / 1000 W
Galleon One RT 1.5K1500 VA / 1500 W
Galleon One RT 2K2000 VA / 2000 W
Galleon One RT 3K3000 VA / 3000 W
Galleon One 6K(L) RT6000 VA / 6000 W
Galleon One 10K(L) RT10000 VA / 10000 W
Voltage Range
Galleon One RT 1K55-150 VAC ± 5 % or 110-300 VAC ± 5 % at 50% load; 80-150 VAC ± 5 % or 160-300 VAC ± 5 % at 100% load
Galleon One RT 1.5K55-150 VAC ± 5 % or 110-300 VAC ± 5 % at 50% load; 80-150 VAC ± 5 % or 160-300 VAC ± 5 % at 100% load
Galleon One RT 2K55-150 VAC ± 5 % or 110-300 VAC ± 5 % at 50% load; 80-150 VAC ± 5 % or 160-300 VAC ± 5 % at 100% load
Galleon One RT 3K55-150 VAC ± 5 % or 110-300 VAC ± 5 % at 50% load; 80-150 VAC ± 5 % or 160-300 VAC ± 5 % at 100% load
Galleon One 6K(L) RT110-300 VAC ± 3 % at 50% load; 176~300 VAC ± 3 % at 100% load
Galleon One 10K(L) RT110-300 VAC ± 3 % at 50% load; 176~300 VAC ± 3 % at 100% load
Nominal Voltage
Galleon One RT 1K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 1.5K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 2K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 3K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One 6K(L) RT208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One 10K(L) RT208/220/230/240 VAC
Frequency Range
Galleon One RT 1K40Hz~70Hz
Galleon One RT 1.5K40Hz~70Hz
Galleon One RT 2K40Hz~70Hz
Galleon One RT 3K40Hz~70Hz
Galleon One 6K(L) RT46~54 Hz ◎ 50Hz / 56~64 Hz ◎ 60Hz
Galleon One 10K(L) RT46~54 Hz ◎ 50Hz / 56~64 Hz ◎ 60Hz
Power Factor
Galleon One RT 1K≧ 0.99 @ Nominal Voltage (100% load)
Galleon One RT 1.5K≧ 0.99 @ Nominal Voltage (100% load)
Galleon One RT 2K≧ 0.99 @ Nominal Voltage (100% load)
Galleon One RT 3K≧ 0.99 @ Nominal Voltage (100% load)
Galleon One 6K(L) RT≧ 0.99 @ full load
Galleon One 10K(L) RT≧ 0.99 @ full load
Harmonic Distortion (THDi)
Galleon One RT 1K≦ 5% @ nominal input voltage
Galleon One RT 1.5K≦ 5% @ nominal input voltage
Galleon One RT 2K≦ 5% @ nominal input voltage
Galleon One RT 3K≦ 5% @ nominal input voltage
Galleon One 6K(L) RT< 4% @100% Load, <6% @50% Load
Galleon One 10K(L) RT< 4% @100% Load, <6% @50% Load
Output Voltage
Galleon One RT 1K100*/110*/115*/120/127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 1.5K100*/110*/115*/120/127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 2K100*/110*/115*/120/127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One RT 3K100*/110*/115*/120/127 VAC or 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One 6K(L) RT208*/220/230/240 VAC
Galleon One 10K(L) RT208*/220/230/240 VAC
AC Voltage Regulation (Batt. Mode)
Galleon One RT 1K± 1%
Galleon One RT 1.5K± 1%
Galleon One RT 2K± 1%
Galleon One RT 3K± 1%
Galleon One 6K(L) RT± 1%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT± 1%
Frequency Range (Batt. Mode)
Galleon One RT 1K50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Galleon One RT 1.5K50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Galleon One RT 2K50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Galleon One RT 3K50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Galleon One 6K(L) RT50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Galleon One 10K(L) RT50 Hz ± 0.1 Hz or 60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Transfer Time AC Mode to Battery Mode
Galleon One RT 1KZero
Galleon One RT 1.5KZero
Galleon One RT 2KZero
Galleon One RT 3KZero
Galleon One 6K(L) RTZero
Galleon One 10K(L) RTZero
Transfer Time Inverter to Bypass
Galleon One RT 1K4 ms (Typical)
Galleon One RT 1.5K4 ms (Typical)
Galleon One RT 2K4 ms (Typical)
Galleon One RT 3K4 ms (Typical)
Galleon One 6K(L) RTzero
Galleon One 10K(L) RTzero
Waveform (Batt. Mode)
Galleon One RT 1KPure Sine Wave
Galleon One RT 1.5KPure Sine Wave
Galleon One RT 2KPure Sine Wave
Galleon One RT 3KPure Sine Wave
Galleon One 6K(L) RTPure Sine Wave
Galleon One 10K(L) RTPure Sine Wave
Current Crest Ratio
Galleon One RT 1K3:1 (max.)
Galleon One RT 1.5K3:1 (max.)
Galleon One RT 2K3:1 (max.)
Galleon One RT 3K3:1 (max.)
Galleon One 6K(L) RT3:1 (max.)
Galleon One 10K(L) RT3:1 (max.)
Harmonic Distortion
Galleon One RT 1K≦ 2% THD (Linear Load); ≦ 4% THD (Non-linear load)
Galleon One RT 1.5K≦ 2% THD (Linear Load); ≦ 4% THD (Non-linear load)
Galleon One RT 2K≦ 2% THD (Linear Load); ≦ 4% THD (Non-linear load)
Galleon One RT 3K≦ 2% THD (Linear Load); ≦ 4% THD (Non-linear load)
Galleon One 6K(L) RT≦ 2% THD (Linear Load), ≦ 6% THD (Non-linear Load)
Galleon One 10K(L) RT≦ 2% THD (Linear Load), ≦ 6% THD (Non-linear Load)
Frequency Range (Synchronized Range)
Galleon One RT 1K57~63 Hz or 47~53 Hz or
Galleon One RT 1.5K57~63 Hz or 47~53 Hz or
Galleon One RT 2K57~63 Hz or 47~53 Hz or
Galleon One RT 3K57~63 Hz or 47~53 Hz or
Galleon One 6K(L) RT46~54 Hz ◎ 50 Hz / 56~64 Hz ◎ 60 Hz
Galleon One 10K(L) RT46~54 Hz ◎ 50 Hz / 56~64 Hz ◎ 60 Hz
Overload AC Mode
Galleon One RT 1K100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 1.5K100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 2K100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 3K100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One 6K(L) RT100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One 10K(L) RT100%~110%: 10min、110%~130%: 1min、>130% : 1sec
Overload Battery Mode
Galleon One RT 1K100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 1.5K100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 2K100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One RT 3K100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One 6K(L) RT100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Galleon One 10K(L) RT100%~110%: 30sec、110%~130%: 10sec、>130% : 1sec
Battery Mode
Galleon One RT 1K≧88%
Galleon One RT 1.5K≧88%
Galleon One RT 2K≧90%
Galleon One RT 3K≧90%
Galleon One 6K(L) RT92%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT92%
ECO Mode
Galleon One RT 1K≧ 96% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 1.5K≧ 96% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 2K≧ 96% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 3K≧ 96% @ full charged battery
Galleon One 6K(L) RT98.5%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT98.5%
AC Mode
Galleon One RT 1K≧ 89% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 1.5K≧ 89% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 2K≧ 91% @ full charged battery
Galleon One RT 3K≧ 91% @ full charged battery
Galleon One 6K(L) RT94%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT94%
Long-run Model Battery Type
Galleon One RT 1KN/A
Galleon One RT 1.5KN/A
Galleon One RT 2KN/A
Galleon One RT 3KN/A
Galleon One 6K(L) RTDepending on applications
Galleon One 10K(L) RTDepending on applications
Long-run Model Charging Current (Max.)
Galleon One RT 1KN/A
Galleon One RT 1.5KN/A
Galleon One RT 2KN/A
Galleon One RT 3KN/A
Galleon One 6K(L) RT4.0 A
Galleon One 10K(L) RT4.0 A
Long-run Model Charging Voltage
Galleon One RT 1KN/A
Galleon One RT 1.5KN/A
Galleon One RT 2KN/A
Galleon One RT 3KN/A
Galleon One 6K(L) RT(13.65VDC x battery number) ± 1%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT(13.65VDC x battery number) ± 1%
Long-run Model Numbers
Galleon One RT 1KN/A
Galleon One RT 1.5KN/A
Galleon One RT 2KN/A
Galleon One RT 3KN/A
Galleon One 6K(L) RT16-20**
Galleon One 10K(L) RT16-20**
Standard Model Battery Type
Galleon One RT 1K12 V / 9 AH, 12 V / 7 AH
Galleon One RT 1.5K12 V / 9 AH
Galleon One RT 2K12 V / 9 AH, 12 V / 7 AH
Galleon One RT 3K12 V / 9 AH
Galleon One 6K(L) RT12 V / 7 AH
Galleon One 10K(L) RT12 V / 9 AH
Standard Model Charging Current
Galleon One RT 1K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC models: default 2A, max. 8A adjustable; 200/208/220/230/240 VAC models: default 2A, max. 12A adjustable
Galleon One RT 1.5K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC models: default 2A, max. 8A adjustable; 200/208/220/230/240 VAC models: default 2A, max. 12A adjustable
Galleon One RT 2K100/110/115/120 /127 VAC models: default 2A, max. 8A adjustable; 200/208/220/230/240 VAC models: default 2A, max. 12A adjustable, Default: 2A, Max: 8A adjustable
Galleon One RT 3KDefault: 2A, Max: 8A adjustable
Galleon One 6K(L) RT1.0 A
Galleon One 10K(L) RT1.0 A
Standard Model Charging Voltage
Galleon One RT 1K27.4 VDC ± 1%, 41.1 VDC ± 1%
Galleon One RT 1.5K41.1 VDC ± 1%
Galleon One RT 2K54.8 VDC ± 1%, 82.1 VDC ± 1%
Galleon One RT 3K82.1 VDC ± 1%
Galleon One 6K(L) RT218.4 VDC ± 1%
Galleon One 10K(L) RT 218.4 VDC ± 1%
Standard Model Numbers
Galleon One RT 1K2,3
Galleon One RT 1.5K3
Galleon One RT 2K4,6
Galleon One RT 3K6
Galleon One 6K(L) RT16
Galleon One 10K(L) RT16
Standard Model Typical Recharge Time
Galleon One RT 1K3 hours recover to 95% capacity for internal battery@ 2A charging current
Galleon One RT 1.5K3 hours recover to 95% capacity for internal battery@ 2A charging current
Galleon One RT 2K3 hours recover to 95% capacity for internal battery@ 2A charging current
Galleon One RT 3K3 hours recover to 95% capacity for internal battery@ 2A charging current
Galleon One 6K(L) RT9 hours recover to 90% capacity
Galleon One 10K(L) RT9 hours recover to 90% capacity
LCD Panel
Galleon One RT 1KUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Galleon One RT 1.5KUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Galleon One RT 2KUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Galleon One RT 3KUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Galleon One 6K(L) RTUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Galleon One 10K(L) RTUPS status, Load level, Battery level, Input/Output voltage, Discharge timer, and Fault conditions
Battery Mode
Galleon One RT 1KSounding every 5 seconds
Galleon One RT 1.5KSounding every 5 seconds
Galleon One RT 2KSounding every 5 seconds
Galleon One RT 3KSounding every 5 seconds
Galleon One 6K(L) RTSounding every 4 seconds
Galleon One 10K(L) RTSounding every 4 seconds
Low Battery
Galleon One RT 1KSounding every 2 seconds
Galleon One RT 1.5KSounding every 2 seconds
Galleon One RT 2KSounding every 2 seconds
Galleon One RT 3KSounding every 2 seconds
Galleon One 6K(L) RTSounding every second
Galleon One 10K(L) RTSounding every second
Galleon One RT 1KSounding every second
Galleon One RT 1.5KSounding every second
Galleon One RT 2KSounding every second
Galleon One RT 3KSounding every second
Galleon One 6K(L) RTSounding twice every seconds
Galleon One 10K(L) RTSounding twice every seconds
Galleon One RT 1KContinuously sounding
Galleon One RT 1.5KContinuously sounding
Galleon One RT 2KContinuously sounding
Galleon One RT 3KContinuously sounding
Galleon One 6K(L) RTContinuously sounding
Galleon One 10K(L) RTContinuously sounding
Operating Humidity
Galleon One RT 1K20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Galleon One RT 1.5K20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Galleon One RT 2K20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Galleon One RT 3K20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Galleon One 6K(L) RT20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Galleon One 10K(L) RT20~90% RH @ 0- 40°C (non-condensing)
Noise Level
Galleon One RT 1KLess than 50dB @ 1 Meter
Galleon One RT 1.5KLess than 50dB @ 1 Meter
Galleon One RT 2KLess than 50dB @ 1 Meter
Galleon One RT 3KLess than 50dB @ 1 Meter
Galleon One 6K(L) RTLess than 55dB @ 1 Meter
Galleon One 10K(L) RTLess than 58dB @ 1 Meter
Standard Model Dimension, D X W X H (mm)
Galleon One RT 1K410 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 1.5K410 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 2K510 x 438 x 88, 630 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 3K630 x 438 x 88
Galleon One 6K(L) RTUPS Unit: 610x 438 x 88 [2U]; Battery Pack: 715 x 438 x 88 [2U]
Galleon One 10K(L) RTUPS Unit: 610x 438 x 88 [2U]; Battery Pack: 715 x 438 x 88 [2U]
Standard Model Net Weight (W/built-in battery)(kgs)
Galleon One RT 1K11.6, 14.1
Galleon One RT 1.5K15.5
Galleon One RT 2K19.5, 23.3
Galleon One RT 3K27.5
Galleon One 6K(L) RTUPS Unit: 17; Battery Pack: 48
Galleon One 10K(L) RTUPS Unit: 20; Battery Pack: 53
Long-run Model Dimension, D X W X H (mm)
Galleon One RT 1K410 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 1.5K410 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 2K510 x 438 x 88, 630 x 438 x 88
Galleon One RT 3K630 x 438 x 88
Galleon One 6K(L) RT610 x 438 x 88 [2U]
Galleon One 10K(L) RT610 x 438 x 88 [2U]
Long-run Model Net Weight (Without battery)(kgs)
Galleon One RT 1K6.6, 7.8
Galleon One RT 1.5K8.1
Galleon One RT 2K9.4 , 10.6
Galleon One RT 3K12.4
Galleon One 6K(L) RT17
Galleon One 10K(L) RT20
Optional SNMP
Galleon One RT 1KPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Galleon One RT 1.5KPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Galleon One RT 2KPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Galleon One RT 3KPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Galleon One 6K(L) RTPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Galleon One 10K(L) RTPower management from SNMP manager and web browser
Smart RS-232/USB
Galleon One RT 1KSupports Windows® Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One RT 1.5KSupports Windows® Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One RT 2KSupports Windows® Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One RT 3KSupports Windows®Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One 6K(L) RTSupports Windows® Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One 10K(L) RTSupports Windows® Family, Linux, and MAC
Galleon One RT 1KEMC EN62040-2 C2 for CE models
Galleon One RT 1.5KEMC EN62040-2 C2 for CE models
Galleon One RT 2KEMC EN62040-2 C2 for CE models
Galleon One RT 3KEMC EN62040-2 C2 for CE models
Galleon One 6K(L) RTN/A
Galleon One 10K(L) RTN/A
Brochure Galleon One RT (cTUVus)_Brochure
Brochure Galleon One RT_Brochure
Manual Galleon One-1-3KVA-Tower+RT-manual
Manual Galleon One-RT-6-10K manual
Manual GalleonOne-1-3KVA-TowerRT-manual-cTUVus
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